Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Shame and Redemption

Little Harbour, Nova Scotia 10/7/18, 1:30 AM

Friends in Canada react:

"I'm imagining the reception Kavanaugh will get from the other SC justices with a certain satisfaction. With all the circumstantial evidence that was blatantly ignored, or real evidence never investigated, the Justices must be as disgusted/depressed as the rest of us. Perjury and lying wouldn't top their list of preferred traits! It's a wonder Kavanaugh now has the nerve to face them!"

Another says -

"What is wrong with you people"?

And another -

" I am soooo distraught with the daily NPR news that I cannot concentrate on anything".

And another -

"The whole scenario is despicable".

And finally. A friend who is packing for a trip she will take to the U.S. tells me -

"Crossing the border.  Just the thought of it.  Makes me sick to my stomach".

The former Dean of the Yale Law School says - "Kavanaugh's very presence will undermine the court's claim to legitimacy, it will damage the nation's commitment to the rule of law.  It will be an American tragedy.  There will be Hell to pay".

We faced a defining moment in our nation's history. A test to see who we are.  And we failed.

Most shameful was the fake "investigation".  Orchestrated by Senator Jeff Flake to the enthusiastic applause of Senator Susan Collins as conducted by Donald Trump.

And Trump did again what he does best by attacking Dr. Ford, the one person in the Country who might have saved us from this national disgrace with her incredible courage along with the one Republican, the ONLY Republican who had the moral courage to stand up to her colleagues and do the right thing: Senator Lisa Murkowski.

Is that it?   Is it over?  Is there no hope?  No redemption?

Time will tell.

But, The Day of Reckoning is coming.

And soon.  The mid-term elections.  Less than a month away!

If all goes as expected, the House of Representatives will be won by the Democrats who are promising a real investigation with subpoena power leading to the impeachment of the now Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

And Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson of the U.S. Court of appeals has sent over a dozen complaints to Chief Justice John Roberts of the U.S. Supreme Court. The complaints are in regard to Kavanaugh's alleged perjury in the Senate confirmation hearings which I believe a real investigation will easily establish.

Never before has a Supreme Court Justice nominee been poised to join the court while a fellow judge recommends that misconduct claims against that nominee warrant review.

All of which, I believe, will most likely lead to Brett Kavanaugh's expulsion from the high court and disbarment as well.

So is it over?  No.  Not by a long shot.

Instead, I believe we are about to embark on a new path.

Restoring honor to our country and saving our Democracy.

But first, it is absolutely essential that we, the citizens, do one thing -



At October 9, 2018 at 12:42 PM , Anonymous Jane Moody said...

Excellent summary. I really like the way you find the salient points and put them together so clearly. This has brought me up to date and gives me hope. Thanks!

At October 9, 2018 at 1:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The win for Kavanaugh only seemed to rally and strengthen Trump’s support. As reported, they didn’t watch nor were they concerned about the inquiry. The rally that followed in which Trump touted their win was sickening. As a Canadian, I now avoid buying American and fly over the country, even if it costs more. This allows me to join my American friends on the fun side of the wall. Yve


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