Friday, October 5, 2018

The Flake Maneuver

Little Harbour, Nova Scotia 10/5/18, 9AM

I now think that what I thought was a great story is not so great.  It's going to have the long expected ending.  Not a surprise ending. Not a Happy Ending.

It looks like Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed

The question is how Senators Flake, Collins and Murkowski will vote.  But only Murkowski's vote appears to be in question.  Even though the other two have not said how they are going to vote.

Collins has said that the FBI Investigation appears to be very thorough and Flake says he agrees with her.

No intelligent informed person believes that the FBI did anything close to a thorough investigation.

So the question is why did Flake ask for a delay and an FBI investigation and not raise hell when he didn't get a thorough investigation.

There is only one answer.  He wasn't looking for one.

All he wanted was something he could pretend was an investigation.  And I believe that was the deal he made with his fellow Republican Senators and Trump:

Delay the vote.  Do a fake investigation.  Find nothing.  Say Kavanaugh is clean and we can all proceed to vote for him.

Otherwise, his fellow Republicans would have excoriated him for delaying the vote.

Well, you say, no one will fall for such an obvious maneuver.


Trumpsters fall for his lies every day.

So what have we learned from this story?

The number 1 villain is Jeff Flake.  Followed by Collins.

Unfair you say?   Maybe Collins and Flake won't vote to confirm.  True. If they get enough pressure from those who see through "Flake's Maneuver".

But at this point. with the likely loss of the Supreme Court --

The midterms have become even more critical for saving Democracy.


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