Advice to a Friend and Trump/Kavanaugh Supporter
Little Harbour, Nova Scotia 10/2/18, 11AM
Don't despair. It's not over yet.
Trump always surprises like when he got elected.
And although the delay and FBI investigation looked like that was it for Kavanaugh, Trump seems to be doing what he can to limit its scope and ability to get to the truth.
And Senator Flake who demanded an FBI investigation may still Flake out.
However, I think it looks increasingly like it's gonna be over for Kavanaugh.
If so, don't blame Senator Diane Feinstein. She's not that crafty.
Or Dr. Ford's lawyers for outmaneuvering the Repubs and getting an open hearing where the Repubs couldn't hide her testimony.
I think Flake has caught "Running for President" fever.
And he has nothing to lose by doing the right thing since he's not running for reelection where he would lose as Arizona is a red state.
Instead, he knows he needs the Women's vote to become Pres. and if he Flakes out he can forget that.
So you are right to be worried about Kavanaugh losing.
Just like I think Senator Lindsey Graham was when he had his complete meltdown at the hearing.
And it does seem so unfair.
Dr. Ford and the Dems have used a weapon that has seemed to become irrelevant.
One that Trump never uses and Kavanaugh couldn't use.
The Truth.
More and more we are learning that Kavaugh lied about his yearbook, his drinking, parties etc. etc.
Trump lies all the time and since he gets away with lying, it seemed to be OK
But apparently, it isn't OK when you lie to Congress in sworn testimony.
So if you want to blame someone for the Kavanaugh debacle. You could blame Trump for picking Kavanaugh.
He should have picked Amy Conan Barrett who is maybe even more anti-choice than Kavanaugh.
She's a woman so she would have had an easy confirmation with none of the sex assault problems like Kavanaugh.
But I guess Trump thought he had to pick Kavanaugh.
Kavanaugh appears to believe that a President can't be indicted.
So you can't really blame Trump for picking the guy he needs to protect him from the Mueller investigation.
No, I'm thinking you only have yourself to blame.
For trusting Trump.
As I said in my email to Sen. Collins,"Surely the President can nominate someone with both the temperament and the temperance to be be an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court."
Maybe I should be careful what I wish for!
also, meant to add, i hope i don't have any hiding "friends" who support K or T.
>Like the new writing style. Spare, conscious, etc.
First, does Trump know what temperament should be? He gets all his advice, judicial (well, actually unjudicial or injudicial) from that nutty Lawyer of his, and the Heritage Foundation (for white people's heritage), and whatever the other far right org.
Funny thing to me is that Trump doesn't drink...anything but he prolly doesn't really "feel" what it's like to be really drunk???
Anyway, thanks for the blog post, and I hadn't thought of Flake as having caught presidential fever. "Make America Flakey again?" I like the idea of Cory Booker I think. NOT Biden (like him a lot), not Bernie (great ideas), but don't know what else.
Thanks hugh.
LOL. "Make America Flakey again" Not a new style just came out that way. Previous blog just completed .. about Bob (will publish in couple days) is very different long and drawn out. But this style seemed to fit for making a "just the facts mam" style to honor the FBI (dragnet of course). Thanks for commenting Linda!
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