Saturday, September 9, 2017

Rock of Ages

Little Harbour, Nova Scotia Sept. 6, 2017, 10:30 AM

I just got back from photographing the High Tide.

Time and Tides. I’m somewhat obsessed these days with what it all means.

It’s extraordinary yet commonplace. Since the beginning of time, the dawn of the universe, the tides have been rolling in and out in the sea at the end of the path from my house.

I would like to harness this great movement of water and go completely off the grid. Or that of the brook which goes past my property.

Electricity with which I heat my house is very expensive here. But nature is plentiful including trees for wood stoves which is the most common way to heat here in winter.

While on the rock witnessing the change, I looked for the carving placed there in 1927.

Someone carved the date then. I clearly remember it from looking at it with Amos I think 5 years ago. It probably was 10 years since I’ve found everything turns out to be twice as long ago as I think.

I could not find it. Yet It’s been there for more years than I’ve been on earth. And yet it’s suddenly disappeared. Or it’s covered up with an orange plant growth that has occurred in the last few years which was not there before.

Global warming?

I immediately thought of calling Amos to come over and help me find it. I think he may have recognized the initials and knew who they belonged to.

Amos was a fisherman. He knew everyone here and was a store of local history. A friend was going to record his stories so they wouldn’t be lost. I wonder if she did? He told me his mother grew up on Gull Rock, the lighthouse I keep watch on from my house.  I would like to ask him more about that.

Alas. I cannot. Amos passed away last year. Over 300 people turned out at the Rockland Cemetery to commemorate his passing. Everyone knew him. He is irreplaceable and sorely missed. By all of us.

I’ll look again for the carving on my Rock of Ages. But I’ll have to do it without Amos.  


At September 10, 2017 at 12:42 PM , Blogger voices in my head said...

Enjoying these interior reveries of yours(not so much though, that which you plagiarize from the news).
Sharp left(maybe some unconscious right) turns from your carefully edited travelogues.
A surprise literary love child sprung from a set of oddball communal parents: the inscrutable poet, Mayberry RFD social editor, sidewalk cafe philosopher, paperback mystery writer, pundit and seasonal recluse. Keep 'em coming. All except the pundit.
Did you really think your camouflage of DT wasn't tissue thin?


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