It's Really Quiet Here
Halifax, Nova Scotia Sept 1, 2017 3 PM
It was a bit unnerving. I could hear my heart beating. I don't know if I've heard it before. Worrisome?
If I was in some panicky situation. Like in running for my life in an urban neighborhood perhaps that would make sense. Except I'm lying in my bed in my cottage by the sea in Nova Scotia. And I couldn't be calmer or more at peace. Except for wondering is this OK?
I phoned a friend who told me that he heard his. And I think he said he could hear his arteries or the blood rushing through. But I couldn't be sure as I was driving to Halifax the main and capital city of this Canadian Province and it was noisy in the car and the reception wasn't that good.
Now I'm in this, my favorite, coffee house, the Trident book store, a two-hour drive from my rural cottage by the sea.
On the way, I stopped in Chester where I spent a few summers before moving down the coast to Lockeport where I now live in the summer. On the way, I ran into Richard who has a sailboat, a schooner which he races and on which I spent some fun time.
And then I was in the Kiwi cafe, Sitting with Rod and 3 of his friends. It was also a bit unnerving coming from the absolute quiet of the country and finding yourself talking with a bunch of people. I bet my blood pressure went up. It was a welcome change of pace, but I didn't stay long.
I find myself being completely cut off from interaction except with the local storekeepers or restaurant people in the small diner I go to. It can be a bit isolating after a few days. Yet, I welcome the isolation.
I'm learning a new (for me) computer language, Python. This is my current "job". I'm spending full time on it and the lack of distraction in the country makes it possible to completely focus. Learning this is really hard work as at my age I'm in a rush to do this as quickly as possible. But it is totally fun so it isn't "work". Not at all.
I have a friend in Italy who tells me that now they will no longer pay him to do what he doesn't want to do he gets to do what he wants to do for free. Me too!
I have another friend who is making big bucks consulting. I tell him he should quit. He doesn't need the money. But I also tell him in all honesty if someone were willing to pay me what he makes I would probably (undoubtedly?) accept and be working (like in a real job).
But, I also tell him I am lucky that no one is offering to do this.
So I get to do exactly what I want to do. In rural Nova Scotia. By the Sea.
Lots of doors you opened in this short piece. Personally intriguing for a reader like me, wondering which room(s) you walk us in to next. I like the uncertainty you issued to your readers. No homily, no proverbs, no aphorisms, no Hallmarkian sentiments. Just your experience, unfiltered.
Interesting contrasts Hugh. You go from seeking and finding all sorts of new interactions in your travels to Ukraine to the complete solitude of Nova Scotia. What about Baltimore? Is that more interaction or more isolation? I've found far more isolation in cities than in the country.
Interesting question for which I don't (yet) have the answer. The 3 places are so different. I apparently like the variety of spending time in each. Have been surprised how much I am enjoying it here this summer. I'm extending, almost doubling my time beyond what I planned to be here. Thought of blogging here before but didn't think I had much to say. Now suddenly want to convey the wonder of the experience which I am appreciating as never before. Thanks for your comment!
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